
Take the grunt out of exercising with online Feldenkrais classes.
Improve your flexibility, balance and wellbeing not by straining and efforting, but by increasing your body awareness.
Become stronger, more confident and resilient with Aikido. Learn how to have fun falling, rolling and moving with easy power.
Individual sessions
If would want to improve your movement and how you feel, you know it is important to find the right approach. Many treatments try to fix the local problem unsuccessfully. Feldenkrais addresses your difficulties holistically. Muscle tightness is reduced. Parts that you were protecting start to move in synergy with the rest of you. Your pain diminishes and move with greater ease toward your goals. Give me a call to discuss how I may help you on 0449 767 057

Hi I'm Ruth Frommer a Feldenkrais and Aikido teacher.
My movement challenges started when was I diagnosed with scoliosis. As a teenager, I had 2 Harrington rods surgically placed along my spine. I grew 3cm, had pain and moved poorly.
Feldenkrais changed may life. I started to let go of protective patterns and to my surprise my back could bend more easily, I felt great. I wanted more and soon was rolling round in Aikido.
What began as a personal quest became my career. I am passionate about Feldenkrais and Aikido, Two approaches that can make you move better, feel better and enjoy life more fully.