How we learn
We keep learning through seeing, hearing and feeling
"Moshe Feldenkrais was one of the first Neuroplasticians"
Norman Doidge MD
Author of "The Brain that Changes Itself"
"The Brains Way of Healing"
Embodied Learning
Where neuroplasticity meets mindfulness. Moshe Feldenkrais based his method on the belief that our brains are very flexible and change according to what you do. In Feldenkrais mindful movement is the tool used to teach you to improve your mind focus, sensory discrimination and discover how you learn. Through experiential learning you develop and expand your brain maps and neural connections, enhancing your body image and movement repertoire.
Use it or lose it
Your brain follows the "use it or lose it" principle. You need to exercise your brain to build brain maps and create new neural connections and pathways. Unfortunately if you don't practice a skill like speaking a second language or playing the guitar you become rusty due to brain maps shrinking and connections weakening.
Maximising your learning state
Learning occurs more easily when you are motivated, curious and able to focus your mind. Feldenkrais evokes a learning state by creating an environment that fosters your ability to pay attention to the now rather than being focussed on a successful outcome.
Learning by making distinctions
To refine any skill you need to build brain maps by making finer and finer sensory distinctions. Any master in their field be it a martial artist, musician, dancer or athlete has done this. Your ability to discern information is critical in learning and in mastering your desired field.
Increase your ability to make distinctions
You can discriminate between things more easily and learn more readily if you
Find a quiet environment
Go slowly
Reduce effort
Explore different options