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Individual Feldenkrais Sessions

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Improving your movement 

A private lesson is suitable for you if you have 

  • a limp or find walking tiring  

  • difficulty reaching up high to serve a tennis ball

  • embodied stress and pain

  • discomfort due to poor posture 

  • the desire to improve your flexibility, balance and coordination. 


A private Feldenkrais lesson starts with you telling me your story. I find out why you have come and what you would like to improve. With this in mind  we begin to explore how you are moving. I draw your attention to what is happening in your body as you move. You learn to sense how you move. This begins the process of you having skills to better take care of your self. Together we work suggest what you may need to learn to move toward your goal.


Now it’s time to lie down or sit on my Feldenkrais table. Most private Feldenkrais lessons primarily involve a hands on process. Precise touch and passive movements address your underlying movement and postural habits. Excessive muscle tension is reduced, stiff joints free up and your brain starts building better movement patterns.

At the end of your Feldenkrais lesson I will get you to repeat the movement you did at the beginning. You can then notice what has improved in how you are moving. You may feel  you are moving with greater ease, coordination  and balance.You may also feel relaxed, rejuvenated or taller.



  • Private lessons are available in Moorabbin or online

  • Simply give me a call on 0449 767 057 to book an appointment or discuss if a private lesson are suitable for you 




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